April 14, 2014

Learning Curve

While I was pregnant, I read hundreds of articles and blogs about "the best products for babies" and "baby essentials." There were also tons of "hospital packing lists." Almost every single list I read contradicted the others. I finally decided to to make my own list - taking the best ideas from each list.

Now that BC is a month (can you believe that?!) old, I have decided to share some of the products and tips I found helpful. This is by no means the "complete essentials" list - and I would not recommend just taking these things to the hospital. These are just some items I did not realize I would need as a new momma.

For the Hospital

I over packed - big time. Partially, it was not my fault. I assumed I would be in labor for at least 12 hours. That is what everyone told me. I was not though - my iPod dock was not necessary; exercise ball, not necessary. However, if I had a long labor, they might have been nice to have.

Several bloggers wrote that you should bring your own cute hospital gown with you. There are multiple patterns on Pinterest if you want to make your own. I admit, the hospital gowns provided are enormous and ugly - but remember why you are in the hospital - to give birth to a baby. I promise you, whatever you are wearing during birth is going to get dirty. And after birth, you are so enamored by the little life in your hands, what you are wearing is last on your mind - at least it was last on mine. I brought some sweat pants, camisoles, and jackets to wear on the days after I delivered - but on that firs day, I wore my hospital gown loud and proud.

You really do not need anything for your baby. Our wonderful hospital provided everything we needed - except one item - baby fingernail clippers. BC's fingernails were so long and jagged. He scratched his face up on day 1. Thankfully, I had his fingernail clippers already in the diaper bag, so we were able to trim them. Bringing something for your baby to go home in is fun to do - but not essential : ) I had a "going home" outfit for BC, but we decided not to use it in the end (more on that later).

To keep BC from scratching himself,
we had to fold down the scratch mittens on his shirt.

(This paragraph is just for the ladies.) I read on multiple blogs not to wear the hospital's disposable underwear or use their beyond super pads. I disagree with those people. You are bleeding. You are sore. Your core and organs are all out of place. Those enormous pads are not the most comfortable or attractive thing in the world, but I would much rather wear one than be worrying about leaking. The hospital underwear, yes are big and weird, but they keep those pads in place, allow for ice packs, and you can thrown them away when they get dirty. One new mother wrote that she did not want to wear the hospital unmentionables because they made her feel "unsexy." I just gave birth. Feeling "sexy" was just not on my priority list. Did I want to look ugly, no. I fixed my hair, and put on some lip gloss, but there were just more important things to do than worry about feeling "sexy" - like holding my sweet newborn. So ladies, I personally recommend using what the hospital gives you. By the time you go home, the bleeding has decreased a lot. By all means, make yourself as "sexy" as you want to then, but remember, especially at the hospital, what is most important - that sweet little life.

HH holding BC on a nursing pillow.
I know I am not as picky as many people, but my hospital blankets and pillows were perfectly fine. I would recommend bringing your nursing pillow - they are nice to have - but as far as a bed pillow, I was satisfied with what was provided. My hospital provided soap, but not shampoo. Thus, I used their soap, but was glad I brought my own hair care products.

Several articles said not to take a bath after giving birth, especially if you have sutures. My labor and delivery nurse told me differently. She said to take a warm sitz bath 2-3 times a day. Now, talk to your doctor before doing this, but I DO recommend the sitz bath - and yes, I had sutures. My L&D nurse actually had me in a sitz bath while the nurses finished taking all of BC's vitals. You only want to sit for 10-15 minutes. The warm water feels so good on your sore body. I noticed that my soreness decreased every time I took a sitz bath. At the hospital, I took 2 a day; at home, 1 a day. By the time BC turned 1 week old, I was no longer sore.

My wonderful hospital provided 3 meals a day for me and 1 meal total for my Heroic Husband. As a salt sensitive, almost vegetarian, the hospital food was not exactly what my body needed. However, I enjoyed the salads, while HH enjoyed the meat. I brought some easy meals for myself - canned fruit, bread, peanut butter, almond milk, and soy protein powder. Everyone stayed nourished.

Baby Products

First of all - baby clothes are not one size fit all - and there is a huge difference between the newborn size and the 0-3 month size. I had read that there was no sense in getting newborn clothes - just go for the 0-3 month - and that is what I did. Big mistake. When HH and I were ready to go home, we pulled out BC's "going home" outfit and put it on our little baby. My adorable 0-3 month outfit swallowed poor BC. That size is not for "0 month" babies. We had to make a stop at Target to buy newborn size clothes, more scratch mittens, and more baby beanies (2 other things that are nice to have). The same logic goes for diapers - newborn diapers are good to have. At 1 month, we are still in our newborn clothes - close to the next size - but not there yet. (Pacifiers are also the same way. I recommend the Nuk 0-2 month pacifier. They are teeny tiny for newborn mouths.)

Although I ended up not taking my exercise ball to the hospital, I have used it everyday since we got home. BC loves to be in motion and was colicky at night during the first month. When BC gets fussy, I hold him and bounce on the ball. Almost every time, he quiets down - and I get a little exercise at the same time. It is great.

Tips and Tricks

When I was pregnant, I thought that once BC was here, I would have plenty of time to do everything. Now that BC is here, I know that assumption is false. I barely have time to brush my teeth in the morning, let alone find time to deep clean a house and cook 3 meals a day. For my family's sanity and HH's job, I have to keep a clean and organized house. And we do have to eat. So, I made my own chore list. I have a few things that I try and get finished before HH comes home for lunch - like morning dishes, kitchen and bathroom counters wiped, a load of laundry started, and the bed made. At night, I do the dishes again, tidy up all the clutter that has accumulated, and a quite floor sweep. I also have a list of once a week chores. I try and get one chore completed a day. My house may not be spotless and completely cleaned every day, but it is clean and organized. And I get to spend lots of precious time playing with my baby.

Stretch marks... I have heard horror stories about them.  At the beginning of my pregnancy, I purchased a rather pricey stretch mark prevention oil to rub on my growing belly.  When I ran out, about halfway through the pregnancy, on a whim, I purchased an inexpensive Johnson and Johnson shea and cocoa butter oil.  It worked great!  I did not get a single stretch mark.  I have continued to put the oil on my stomach postpartum to help my skin "refirm."  I cannot say for sure it is helping, but my belly is firmer and super smooth!

This trick, I learned from a lactation consultant, who has been so very helpful. To nurse, sit in a chair with low armrests - sit up straight - and put a stool under your feet. Then, I put BC on top of a nursing pillow in my lap. It makes nursing so much easier and comfortable.

I have tons of other baby products and tips swirling around in my brain right now, but these are the main things I wanted to share.

Always remember, EVERY baby is DIFFERENT and EVERY mother is DIFFERENT. What works for BC and me may not work for you. The important thing is to keep trying and experimenting - find the right balance for you, your baby, and your family.

Also, your baby will never be a newborn again. The time I have right now with my little boy will be gone in the blink of an eye - BC is already growing out of newborn stuff! Cherish every moment.

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