August 6, 2014

Anti Social

I think some people have the impression that since BC's birth, my little family has become anti social. Please let me correct this misconception.

First of all, I know that BC for the most part is a happy baby - but note the "for the most part" part. He is still a baby, and believe me, he has a fussy side. His cry is so loud that it makes my ears ring. He turns red. It is horrible to watch - and very embarrassing in public. He is an active boy, so he does not like to be in one place for very long - and when he is ready to move, he lets you know.

"Mom won't give me her cell phone to chew on."
Our doctor recommended that BC and I stay "in seclusion" for six weeks after he was born. We did that. Call my Heroic Husband and me overprotective, but hey, it is our first baby - and I am a little bit of a germaphobe. We really did not take BC anywhere. If we went to a store, either HH or me would stay in the car with BC while the other shopped. I remember the first time BC went into a store with us - Office Depot at an off time during the day - and we had him covered up completely in the car seat.

Once the six weeks were up, we took BC to church for the first time. We kept him with us the whole time. It is not that we did not want anyone holding him, it is just that once one person holds him, everyone wants to hold him. And then, you have a little baby being tossed around. HH and I decided it would be better for us to hold him for now. Come over to our house, and you can hold him as long as you would like : )

We have been invited out to eat with several people, and yes, we asked for a rain check. BC does not do restaurants well. We tried it - once - and let's just say it ended with me stuffing an entire salad into my mouth, while HH tried to calm down a screaming baby - and then me feeding BC in the car, while HH finished his lunch all alone inside the restaurant. Everyone around us was staring. It was bad.

BC can go from smiling to screaming in 2.5 seconds.
These pictures were literally taken one minute apart.
I know what you are thinking. Why didn't you just feed BC before? Well, I did. This kid eats ALL the time. Literally, you can set your watch by him. At one and a half hours after the start of his last feeding, he starts to get grumpy. At two hours, he is getting fussy. At two and half, he is at critical mass. BC refuses to take a bottle, and I am not the kind of gal who can feed him in public. Thus, if I feed BC before we leave for a restaurant, by the time we get our food, he is ready for his next meal - and then no one gets to eat.

However, there is good news! BC is rolling around like crazy and trying to crawl. Now that he can move a little, it makes life a little easier. BC is also very interested in our food now, so we can eat at other people's houses, and he will sit in our laps - and try to steal our dinner. AND, our doctor has told us to start solid food! So, hopefully, the occasional restaurant will be "on the menu" for us soon!

I promise we are not anti social. We just have a baby : )

We LOVE to have company, so PLEASE, COME OVER and play with this sweet baby boy : )

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