March 25, 2014

That Morning

In my last post, I "debunked" several home "labor inducers." However, I now know what to do if you want to jump start labor - step aerobics. Just kidding! But I did enjoy 45 minutes of stepping, hours before I went into labor. 

I promise not to give all the nitty gritty of that morning; just the family-friendly facts. 

At 4:45am on Tuesday morning, I woke up to use the restroom - at 39 weeks pregnant, that seemed pretty normal to me. When I got back into bed, I felt some light cramping. I thought to myself, "Hhhmmm... I have not felt that before. I should watch that." I rolled over and felt a "pop" (I'll let you determine what that was : ) I went back to the restroom thinking, "THAT was definitely different! We may be having a baby today!"

I decided I should fill my Heroic Husband in on the latest developments. After telling him we might be meeting BC soon, we agreed that he should get some more sleep, while I called my Marvelous Mother and got a protein snack. 

So, at 5:00am, while HH rolled over to catch a few more ZZZs, I called MM. My Phenomenal Parents had been waiting for the "Baby Call." I told MM about the cramps and "pop." She agreed that the labor process had begun. And she was SO excited!!! MM told me to start timing my contractions as she and my Faithful Father started to get ready for the drive to our town. 

I started my timer and noticed the the contractions were getting more painful. As the timer counted, I went to the kitchen to make my soy shake. By the time the shake was ready (which only takes about 3 minutes), my contractions had become so hard that the thought of drinking the shake was repulsive. I looked my my timer - the contractions were 2 minutes apart. 

I made it back to our bedroom, told HH, who immediately sprang out of bed, and called MM, who agreed with HH - it was TIME to go to the hospital. 

By 5:30am, we were in route - and I was in a lot of pain. HH got to turn his emergency flashers on as we raced to the hospital. 

A little before 6:00am, we arrived at the hospital - walked inside - went upstairs - and were told we were in the wrong building (NOTE - we were following directions given to us the week before by someone from the hospital). I thought I would cry. Down we went - and drove to the correct building.

We got to the maternity ward a little after 6:00am. At the registration desk, the nurse asked who my doctor was. I weakly answered, "Dr. B." She began to go through some papers, and then said, "He is not scheduled to deliver today." I looked at HH, who responded, "No, we are not here for a C-section or inducement. She is in REAL LABOR!!!" Suddenly, the nurse started telling directions to the rest of the staff. As I look back, it was pretty hilarious!

In no time at all, they had me in a hospital gown and strapped to a bed. They began the normal "are you really in labor" checks - and yes... I was REALLY in labor. My water had broken, and in 2 hours, I had gone from 2 cm dilated to 6 cm. 

The nurses began hooking up all the needles and wires. Then... they brought in a mound of paperwork. HH took all the papers he was allowed to fill out for me. The nurses started asking me hundreds of questions about the remaining pages. I do not remember much - but I do remember thinking "At this moment, I have no idea what my Social Security number is" and "Do I have a living will? Not yet? Why? Am I going to die? I do not think labor is 'that' bad." At first, the nurses were asking me constant questions. They finally realized that if they watched my contractions and asked when I was not having one, I answered more coherently. 

Around 7:00am, they wheeled me into my Labor and Delivery room, got me into my new bed, and hooked my IVs up. My L&D nurse came in - and she was wonderful. They told me Dr. B. was coming. When he got there, he came to check on me. He said he would stay close. 

Sometime after that, I am not sure when, my eyes were closed, my contractions began to be constant - there was never a "break." My desire was to have as natural a labor as possible - but BC's and my health came first. I knew that as tired as I was, pushing was going to be difficult - especially with the constant pain. I asked HH if I could have a little medication in my IV. He immediately asked the nurse to get some. Before she gave it to me though, they checked my "progress." I was at 9 cm. She ran to get Dr. B. He said to put the medicine in my IV quickly - it was just about time for a baby! 

Whether the medicine really helped with the pain, I do not know, but it helped settle my mind - and I was able to push out a sweet 7 pound 13 ounce baby boy at 8:02am!!!!!

One of the happiest moments of my life was hearing HH scream out, "It's a boy! Hello BC!!!" And then little BC gave a boisterous response. Oh be still my heart. It was the most amazing moment. HH cut the umbilical cord and brought BC to me for some skin to skin contact - and a first meal. HH sat down on the side of my bed - and we just stared at our precious little miracle. Our little family was together - and it was amazing. 

Today, on BC's 2 week birthday, I am looking down on him in my arms. He just finished breakfast and is happily sleeping for a few more minutes before he takes on the day. Thank You Lord. Thank You oh so much. 
Psalms 127:3
Sons are indeed a heritage from the Lord, children, a reward.
Was pregnancy all roses and sunshine? No. Was giving birth a pain-free event? No. But as I think back, carrying my son was one of the most joyful periods of my life. Giving birth to BC has become one of most treasured memories. 

Would I go through it all again? In a heartbeat : )

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