At 36 weeks, when the doctor said I was dilated 1 centimeter, my to-do list exploded. My house was clean, and the baby's room was just about ready - but suddenly, all of that was not quite good enough. For the past two weeks, I have been a crazy, super nester. My Marvelous Mother came down for a few days to help - and my Heroic Husband has been assisting in every way possible. It feels so relieving to almost have everything "just right" - although I know deep down that my list will never be "completely" checked off : )
As part of my Bible Study, I have been reading through the gospel of Luke. The story of Martha and Mary, from Luke 10, caught me.
While they were traveling, [Jesus] entered a village, and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who also sat at the Lord’s feet and was listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks, and she came up and asked, “Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to serve alone? So tell her to give me a hand.” The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.”ONE thing is necessary. Yes, I feel better that the tops of my doors are cleaned, but was it necessary? Have I let other things get in the way and distract me from what is necessary?
Lord, I know that I am viewing an abundance of "things" as "necessary" right now - but please help me to focus on what is truly NECESSARY.
Working on BC's nursery |
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