April 4, 2013

New Life

According to Webster, life is "an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction."

I love life.
I love my life.
I love new life.
I love hearing about my friends' lives.
I love watching God change and direct lives.

I am a sap for puppies.  I melt over our neighbor's four adorable calves - seriously, every morning, those little darlings make my hour long commute to work worth it.  I adore babies.  I look forward to spring - and the new life it brings every year.  I am amazed at how much our sweet fish, Ada the Beta, has grown in the past year.

My Heroic Husband and I decided to start planting various "things."  We live in a house with very little vegetation.  We want to see it flourish.  We did a little research, bought seed starters, seeds, a garden shovel, potting soil, and went to work.

After a few days, nothing was growing.  We felt a little sad that our seeds were not sprouting.
And then... one day... LIFE!
We had sunflowers and corn peeking up through the dirt. 
It was so exciting!
We now have cucumbers, lettuce, beets, zucchini, acorn squash, pumpkin, watermelon, cantaloupe, grape vines, and various flowers growing around our front porch.
Life.  It is so precious.  It is amazing.  It is from God. 

Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.

God breathed the breath of life into Adam!

John 1:3-4
All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.  Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men.

John 6:33-35
"For the bread of God is the One who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world... I am the bread of life," Jesus told them.  "No one who comes to Me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in Me will ever be thirsty again."

God gives life.  His Son is life.
And yet... life is not cherished.
Physical life is a gift.  But some consider the life of another as an inconvenience to their own lives.
Spiritual life is parallel to physical life.  But some think spiritual life is only OK as long as it doesn't get in the way what they want to do.

Woah, woah, woah.

How have we become a culture that discounts life to nothing.

I heard this in a sermon by John MacArthur a few months ago.
"The Physicians Association of Planned Parenthood released this statement, quote: 'Abortion is a treatment for unwanted pregnancy, the second sexually transmitted disease.'"
 As a culture, we view life as nothing more than a sexually transmitted disease.

I am thankful that my parents viewed life as more.  I am thankful that they saw life was a precious gift from God.  I am thankful that God breathed life into me at the moment I was conceived.  I am thankful that God sent His One and Only Son into this world to give His life for my sins.  I am thankful that He has breathed spiritual life into me, and that when this life is over, I will spend eternity praising and worshiping Him.  I am thankful for a husband who views life as I do.  I am thankful for our "babies" growing on the front porch.  I am thankful for LIFE.

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