August 22, 2013

Life, Listening, ... & Brownies?

Many months ago, I wrote a blog about loving new life.  After I posted it, I thought to myself, "Oh no!  Everyone is going to think I am pregnant now!"  Well, I don't know if anyone did - if so, they didn't say a word to me.  Anyhow - I still love new life - but now, I really love the new life that IS growing inside of me!  I am TEN weeks pregnant - and LOVING it. 

Little Baby Crawford surprised us - not God - but us.  Like most newly wedded couples, we were just "waiting..."  I don't really know what that means... but we were.  Waiting for my Heroic Husband to finish his Masters of Divinity... waiting for a full-time job, post graduation... waiting for a new car... waiting for the perfect house... But God had other plans.  And now, we are waiting for mid-March.  We are waiting to meet this beautiful, precious, miraculous, life growing inside me.  Now, I cannot even imagine "waiting" for the "right timing" to have a baby.  I cannot think of not having my tummy beginning to slowly pooch out.  I cannot not think of going to sleep at night to the sound of HH singing softly to little BC.  I love God's plan.

1 Peter 1:2
"According to the foreknowledge of God the Father and set apart by the Spirit for obedience and for sprinkling with the blood of Jesus Christ.  May grace and peace be multiplied to you."

Some of the many questions I have been getting - almost daily - are (A) How are you feeling? (B) What are you craving? (C) Do you want a boy or a girl? (D) What will the baby's name be?

Here are my answers for all to read.

(A) I did not realize I was pregnant until I was already SIX weeks along.  So, until week six, I was fine.  After week six, my pregnancy hormones began to rage.

I have two sweet acquaintances who have both dealt with infertility in the very recent past.  Today, they both hold in their arms precious little babies.  I have talked to both of them since I became pregnant.  To hear them talk about their pregnancies - both pre and post - puts mine in perspective.  Perhaps I do not feel like running a marathon all the time, but God has blessed me with this little life.  Does it really matter if I don't feel 110%, 100% of the time?  No.  God has put this life inside of me to nurture, to cherish, to love.

So how am I feeling?  Wonderful!

(B) Meat (Turkey and Chicken).  Fruit.  Legumes.  Peanut Butter.  Whole Wheat Ritz Crackers.  Yogurt.  Cheese.  And... Brownies...?

If you know me, then you know I really do not like meat.  As a child, my mother always had to tell me to eat at least three bites of meat before I could go back for more green beans.  Meat is something that I eat because I know I need the nutrients in it.  [NOTE: I am not a vegetarian; I do not eat meat simply because I do not like the taste or the way it makes me feel.  I love to make meat for other people - I just don't like to eat very much of it myself.]  Thus, when I got pregnant, my hunger for meat increased.  I will never forget the faces my Marvelous Mother and HH made when I asked for turkey bacon.  It was classic.  But it makes sense.  I need PROTEIN.  What is one of the best protein sources?  Meat.

Fruit - I just love fruit.  And I am so happy BC does too : )  Same with Legumes and Peanut Butter.

Ritz Crackers... I do not like Saltine crackers.  But Ritz and Rye crackers hit the spot.

Yogurt, Cheese, and Brownies.  Well, the other morning was not one of my best mornings.  I was running late for work, but I knew I needed something in my stomach before I attempted the 60 minute drive.  But naturally, nothing sounded good - and I mean nothing at all.  I tore through the kitchen looking for something that my body would accept.  And then I saw it... HH's birthday brownies on the counter... and for some odd reason... they sounded good.  So, I ate a few bites and went off to work (This was probably the first brownie that I have eaten in... five years...)  At work, I asked MM what in the world is in those brownies that my body was craving?!  I knew it was not the brownies my body needed - there was something IN the brownies.  After some research, I figured it out.  Calcium and Magnesium.  I tested this theory by eating some cream cheese on a piece of sprouted raisin bread.  My stomach immediately felt better.  This is weird to me as well.  Usually, cheeses inflame my stomach.  But right now, I need that calcium and magnesium.  For dinner, I had a ghee, sprouted bread, and provolone grilled cheese sandwich.  It was delicious. 

(C) Boy or Girl?  We don't care.  As long as it is a health baby, then whatever BC is, BC is.  We actually are not going to find out the gender.  We really do not care - and we want to be surprised on D Day.

(D) Name.  We will not even tell our parents what our name choices are.  We will say that the girl name has been picked out since we were dating, and the boy name since we were newlyweds.  BC had a name before BC even existed.  That is all we are saying : )

BC at EIGHT weeks.  We had our first sonogram and heard BC's precious heartbeat.
We are so in love with our little BC.

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