My Mother had a different battle.
My nose went up when meat, especially red meat, was coming at my mouth. Cows milk, I rejected. But veggies... those were welcome. My Marvelous Mother loves to tell about how her little two-year-old daughter would look at restaurant waiters and ask for a dinner salad with the dressing on the side (as her Bold Brother rolled his eyes).
One year while our family was on vacation, I refused to drink my milk. MM, in her cleverness, said that if I wasn't hungry enough for my milk, then I wasn't hungry enough for dessert. Now, it must be noted that at our house, we rarely got dessert at all. One of the few times that we had sweets was while we were on vacation. But, goodness, I went the whole trip without any dessert - or milk.
While I was in middle school, MM discovered the Blood Type Diet. I was an "A." We were fascinated to find out that most meat and cows milk were not good for me. Most veggie proteins and vegetables, however, were extremely beneficial. I will never forget the excitement I felt when MM told me that I never had to drink another cup of milk again - and that I didn't have to eat red meat - I haven't had either since that day. I also began to notice that other avoid foods, like cheese, carbonated drinks, anything with vinegar, and anything very fatty would inflame my stomach, so much that I would run fever. So, I cut all of those foods out of my diet too.
As time has gone by, I began to realize that I felt better when I consumed veggie proteins, vegetables, fruits, sprouted grains (and gluten free grains), eggs, and soy products. Thus, as I became an adult, I naturally started becoming more of a vegetarian. [NOTE: (1) I am not a vegetarian. (2) I do not avoid red meat because it is an animal - I avoid it because it inflames my stomach.]
During the past year, I have began noticing some oddities. I began to get nervous. I needed to find out what was going on. First - I prayed. Then - I began to look for causes of my symptoms. Of course I found all of the horror stories, but then I saw something. Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can also occur in vegetarians, because the best food sources of the vitamin are animal products. Strict vegans (people who don't eat any animal products, including meat, eggs, or milk) are at greatest risk. Vegetarians who eat eggs and milk products are also at risk, because, on average, they consume less than half the adult Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin B12.Although my body naturally does not enjoy eating meat, my body needs the nutrients from the meat. In an attempt to be healthier, I have actually been making myself unhealthier, to an extent. I made this discovery about two weeks ago. I have begun incorporating more meat into my diet and plain Greek yogurt. I have also added in a sub-lingual B12 vitamin. Already, I have seen positive results. Many of the symptoms I was seeing are either gone or are going away. And I know that my body is happier getting these extra and needed nutrients.
Fish is an excellent source of B12, especially salmon, tuna, and cod. I like to buy the small salmon and tuna packets. I can divide them up and eat a little each day - thus, I get the needed B12, without overloading my anti-meat tummy. I love soy yogurt, but unfortunately, it does not have any B12. However, Greek yogurt is packed with B12, and it is also high in probiotics.
I love health. I love nutrition. I love that God designed our bodies to tell us when something is wrong - if only we would listen. I first noticed by B12 deficiency symptoms over a year ago. But I ignored it. Finally, my body had to give me a scare before I listened. According to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Thus, I should treat it in a way that honors God. Because my body is not my own. I was bought at a price. I was bought by the blood of Christ.
Whether it is simply not getting enough of a specific nutrient, over or under eating, over or under exercising, or something else - treat your body in a way that brings glory and honor to God.
Sublingual B12 is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. A half can of tuna (2 oz) contains 15% B12. |
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