Philippians 4:8As a Christian woman in a secular society, I am confronted every day with "things," for lack of a better word, that do not live up to Philippians 4:8. Simply turning on the T.V., watching a movie with my family, or even reading posts on social media, I am faced with "things" that do not honor God.
Finally [sisters], whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things.
"But what are we to do?—it is everywhere!"
We can "walk in the way of virtue," as the commentator Matthew Henry says.
Before you speak, before you watch that T.V. show, before you read that book, ask yourself:
- Is it true?
- Is it honorable?
- Is it just?
- Is it pure?
- Is it lovely?
- Is it commendable?
- Is it morally excellent?
- Is it praiseworthy?
In middle school, I was given more freedom. In high school, a little more independence. I wish that I could say I “walked in the way of virtue” with all of my heart. For the most part, I did… but "there is this really good T.V. show that everyone else is watching, and I promise it is not that bad..." And then, "there is this really good book, and it is not that bad either."
I did not realize how far away from Philippians 4:8 I had wandered until college. My freshmen year, I was blessed to not have a T.V. in my dorm room—yes... I was blessed. The only T.V. I sort of watched was the muted cooking channels that played in the workout center. God (and my Marvelous Mother), pressed me to begin listening to sermons as I worked out rather than watching even that wee bit of T.V.
I learned so much as I ran on the treadmill and listened to J. Vernon McGee and other pastors. Working out became a second devotional time for me.
On my first long break from college, I decided to watch some of those old favorite T.V. shows. Oh my! My ears were shocked! There was so much foul language, so many inappropriate scenes, so many "things" that were not honorable. "Did I really watch that last year?"
Back at college, I went to see a chick-flick at the movies with a friend. After the movie, we both talked about how great and romantic it was. “It was not that bad.”
And then I got to thinking. Was that honoring? No. Was it pure? No. Was it commendable? No. "It really WAS that bad!"
Just as my beliefs determine my behavior, my behavior determines my beliefs. What does my behavior show to the rest of the world when I am watching what everyone else is watching (even when it is disguised in early 1900s, aristocratic apparel)? How about when I do what everyone else is doing?
Romans 12:2This is NOT to say, "never ever watch T.V." My Heroic Husband and I enjoy watching movies and T.V. together almost every day.
Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
At the same time though, I challenge myself and you to instead of conforming to this world, filter every day “things” through Philippians 4:8.
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